Tag: organic agriculture

bison, extinction, hunting

Ecological Amnesia: Life Without Wild Things

We have forgotten the flocks of passenger pigeons that blotted out the sun, the herds of bison that shook the ground, and the untamed places in which we destroyed them. This is ecological amnesia. This capacity to forget, this fluidity of memory, has dire implications in a world dense with people, all desperate to satisfy their immediate material needs. Yet, the way forward is land and water protection and regeneration, permaculture, and community reconnection with the wild.

sustainable agriculture, carbon sequestration
Environmental Health

Soil and Nutrition: No-Till Organics and Carbon Sequestration

Everyone needs vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium and others to stay strong and healthy. Courtney White describes in an excerpt from his book Grass, Soil, Hope how industrial farming has decreased these essential nutrients in our food and using regenerative agriculture practices we can get them back while offsetting a large amount of greenhouse gases.